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Toddler Package

Toddlers and young children need consolidated sleep at night to be the best version of themselves. Let me help you get there.

INVESTMENT (21 Day Plan): $475

Phone Call Evaluation

Personalized Sleep Plan

In Person or Live Video Consultation

Daily Sleep Log Assessment

Nursery Tour

Four Phone Calls

Unlimited Email Support

Jared and Maria, Parents of a 3 year old

“I had always been skeptical that a sleep consultant was just the latest manifestation of an information marketer.  What could they know that I can't find through a quick google search of my own? But when we brought our newborn home from the hospital and our toddler, who had always slept 12 hours through the night, began to constantly get out of bed and insisting someone stay in her room, we figured we had nothing to lose, even if it only helped a little. In 10 days she was sleeping through the night once again, her pacifier was finally out of her life, and she was proud of her accomplishment, staying in bed until her wake light came on in the morning. We never could have gotten there on our own, especially while caring for the new baby throughout the night. Cheri also gave advice on how to start our newborn out on the right track  ensuring he'd develop healthy sleep habits from the beginning.  You can't put a price on consistently getting a good night's sleep.”